Description tag and Search Engine Optimization

by 2:30 PM 0 comments

The description tag you are using in your web pages can be found by viewing the source of the page you are looking at. Internet Explorer > view > Page source; Internet Explorer > view > source.

Description tags serve a double purpose. First, they're one of the first places a search engine looks for keywords.

The Description tag is not just another place to include all kinds of SEO keywords, however. On many search engines, the description tag is what they'll show as your blurb when your website appears on their SERP (Search Engine Results Page).
In other words, this may very well be the first point for a visitor to contact you.
There are two purpose of Description tags:
·         First, in SEO, to get your page ranked higher on the SERP by including your most important keywords in this prominent place.

·         Second, to attract visitors to your site by presenting them with a brief, overview of your business and services.

Conciseness is the keyword towards a good description tag. Decide on your most important keyword, and use it at least twice. If you can't figure out how to include that keyword twice and still write an appealing description, then either find someone who can teach you, or hire someone to write the Description tags for you.
Choose two or three other keywords that you feel are important, and include them once. Its always better to double check on the spellings and grammer in the description tag.
When thinking of what to put in the meta tags, see it as a benefit of what ever you have put in your title tag. For instance say your selling shoes, and the title is about a nice pair of joggers, your description tag might be ‘Selling a range of comfy, durable and hard-working Joggers, with a 10 year guarantee’. Make sure you get your keywords in there.
While Google and AOL may not place high regard on the title tag, you still may pick up extra traffic from Yahoo!, MSN or AltaVista.


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